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My week by numbers

My week by numbers

It’s been a while since I have taken the time to write … to expel all that is in my head, consuming my thoughts from one day to the next.

I write when I am inspired, when I feel the need and have no choice but to purge the old brain matter.  Today I need to do that to let my thoughts drift away from my day job for a moment … to cast my focus elsewhere.

So I’ve decided to make a note of some random stuff I have learned this week:

  1. Having your landlords turn up to give you the news that your rent will be increasing by $30 a week doesn’t make the shock and despair any easier than receiving that news via email.
  2. Nor does having them suggest you could “do some data entry or something” to top up your wage.
  3. Sunshine and blues skies after long periods of rain really does make people smile.
  4. Getting frustrated while trying to attach a bike rack to the tow bar of your car can indeed result in hitting your head, swearing and tears that you can’t do everything for yourself all the time.
    (this is particularly frustrating for an independent woman like myself who doesn’t like asking for help)
  5. There really are only so many hours in the day to get things done.
  6. Birthday presents that arrive after your birthday are still just as awesome (if not more so) than those you get on the day.
  7. Some people cope much better than others when change happens.
  8. I can eat avocado if it’s hidden in a chocolate avocado tart (and enjoy it).
  9. I am not at all impressed if you have already completed your Christmas shopping.
  10. I really like Pink’s new album
  11. My friend Megan just got engaged to one of my ‘second cuzzies’ Mark – this makes me very happy.
  12. Blackbirds in my garden eating my newly planted herbs and flowers is a sure fire way to piss me off.
  13. I have forgotten what it is like to have someone look after me.
    (possibly my own fault for thinking I can do it all myself – see point 4)
  14. 3 day weekends should be compulsory.
  15. People are all keen for new initiatives/concepts for projects as long as they don’t have to help create them.
  16. No matter how many times you check your internet banking, no money has magically been added to your account.
  17. Taika Waititi rekons Chris Hemsworth is a Maori.
  18. Friends is still as funny today as it was back in the 90’s.
  19. We are all travelling the same road in different directions.

Download complete.

Macca ~ October 19th 2017

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